Hyundai Tucson reliability - how does it compare?
We have updated results for the Tucson to include owner experiences through September 30, 2010. Other sources of car reliability information won't cover the months since April until the summer or even fall of next year.
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2010: 49, about average
2008: 53, about average
2007: no repairs reported, 15 participants
2006: 61, about average
2005: 38, better than average
Small sample sizes for all but the 2005, which likely explains the variation from year to year.
Thank you, once again, to everyone who has been helping. We'll have further updates in February and May. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2010: 49, about average
2008: 53, about average
2007: no repairs reported, 15 participants
2006: 61, about average
2005: 38, better than average
Small sample sizes for all but the 2005, which likely explains the variation from year to year.
Thank you, once again, to everyone who has been helping. We'll have further updates in February and May. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
We have some new pages that display all reported repairs by problem area:
2006 Hyundai Tucson problem reports
From this page it's possible to select a different model year or specify a problem area.
2006 Hyundai Tucson problem reports
From this page it's possible to select a different model year or specify a problem area.
We have updated results for the Tucson to include owner experiences through December 31, 2010. Other sources of car reliability information won't cover the months since last April until the summer or even fall of this year.
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2010: 45, about average
2008: 51, about average
2007: 21, better than average
2006: 36, better than average
2005: 34, better than average
Small sample sizes for the 2006-2008.
Thank you, once again, to everyone who has been helping. We'll have further updates in May and August. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2010: 45, about average
2008: 51, about average
2007: 21, better than average
2006: 36, better than average
2005: 34, better than average
Small sample sizes for the 2006-2008.
Thank you, once again, to everyone who has been helping. We'll have further updates in May and August. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
We have updated reliability stats for the Tucson to include owner experiences through March 31, 2011.
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2010: 70, about average
2008: 88, about average
2007: 21, better than average
2006: 44, better than average
2005: 30, better than average
Small sample sizes for the 2006-2008, so these results are less accurate.
We'll have further updates in August and November. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help improve this information:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2010: 70, about average
2008: 88, about average
2007: 21, better than average
2006: 44, better than average
2005: 30, better than average
Small sample sizes for the 2006-2008, so these results are less accurate.
We'll have further updates in August and November. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help improve this information:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
We have updated our car reliability stats for the Tucson to include owner experiences through June 30, 2011.
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2011: 43, about average
2010: 58, about average
2008: 82, about average
2007: 39, better than average
2006: 35, better than average
2005: 19, better than average
Small sample sizes for the 2006-2008 and 2001, so these results are less accurate.
We'll have further updates in November and February. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help improve this information:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2011: 43, about average
2010: 58, about average
2008: 82, about average
2007: 39, better than average
2006: 35, better than average
2005: 19, better than average
Small sample sizes for the 2006-2008 and 2001, so these results are less accurate.
We'll have further updates in November and February. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help improve this information:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
We have updated our reliability stats for the Tucson (on our redesigned site) to include owner experiences through December 31, 2011.
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2011: 36, better than average
2010: 46, about average
2008: 35, better than average
2007: 17, better than average
2006: 55, better than average
2005: 47, better than average
Small sample sizes for all but the 2005 and 2011.
We'll have further updates in May and August. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help improve this information:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2011: 36, better than average
2010: 46, about average
2008: 35, better than average
2007: 17, better than average
2006: 55, better than average
2005: 47, better than average
Small sample sizes for all but the 2005 and 2011.
We'll have further updates in May and August. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help improve this information:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
We have updated our reliability stats for the Tucson to include owner experiences through June 30, 2012.
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2012: 17, better than average
2011: 37, about average
2010: 24, better than average
2008: 12, better than average
2007: 9, better than average
2006: 32, better than average
2005: 42, better than average
Small sample sizes for all but the 2010.
Thank you, once again, to everyone who has been helping. We'll have further updates in November and February. With more owners involved, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help improve this information:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2012: 17, better than average
2011: 37, about average
2010: 24, better than average
2008: 12, better than average
2007: 9, better than average
2006: 32, better than average
2005: 42, better than average
Small sample sizes for all but the 2010.
Thank you, once again, to everyone who has been helping. We'll have further updates in November and February. With more owners involved, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help improve this information:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
We have updated our reliability stats for the Tucson to include owner experiences through September 30, 2012.
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2012: 12, better than average
2011: 41, about average
2010: 16, better than average
2008: 12, better than average
2007: 35, better than average
2006: 25, better than average
2005: 29, better than average
Small sample sizes for all but the 2010.
We'll have further updates in February and May. We'd love to provide more precise stats and cover more model years--just a matter of getting more owners involved!
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2012: 12, better than average
2011: 41, about average
2010: 16, better than average
2008: 12, better than average
2007: 35, better than average
2006: 25, better than average
2005: 29, better than average
Small sample sizes for all but the 2010.
We'll have further updates in February and May. We'd love to provide more precise stats and cover more model years--just a matter of getting more owners involved!
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
We've updated our reliability stats for the Tucson to include owner experiences through June 30, 2013. (Another source is about 14 months behind.)
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2012 Tucson: 9, low, small sample size
2011 Tucson: 43, moderate, small sample size
2010 Tucson: 24, low, small sample size
2008 Tucson: 41, low, very small sample size
2007 Tucson: 19, low, small sample size
2006 Tucson: 49, low, small sample size
2005 Tucson: 36, low, small sample size
We'll have further updates in November and February.
To view competitors' scores and descriptions of reported repairs, and to sign up to help:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2012 Tucson: 9, low, small sample size
2011 Tucson: 43, moderate, small sample size
2010 Tucson: 24, low, small sample size
2008 Tucson: 41, low, very small sample size
2007 Tucson: 19, low, small sample size
2006 Tucson: 49, low, small sample size
2005 Tucson: 36, low, small sample size
We'll have further updates in November and February.
To view competitors' scores and descriptions of reported repairs, and to sign up to help:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
We've updated our reliability stats for the Tucson to include owner experiences through September 30, 2013.
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2012 Tucson: 24, low, very small sample size
2011 Tucson: 59, moderate, small sample size
2010 Tucson: 43, moderate, small sample size
2008 Tucson: 59, moderate, very small sample size
2007 Tucson: 10, low, small sample size
2006 Tucson: 64, moderate, small sample size
2005 Tucson: 30, low, small sample size
We'll have further updates in February and in May. The more owners participate, the more comprehensive and precise these will be.
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help improve this information:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons
Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:
2012 Tucson: 24, low, very small sample size
2011 Tucson: 59, moderate, small sample size
2010 Tucson: 43, moderate, small sample size
2008 Tucson: 59, moderate, very small sample size
2007 Tucson: 10, low, small sample size
2006 Tucson: 64, moderate, small sample size
2005 Tucson: 30, low, small sample size
We'll have further updates in February and in May. The more owners participate, the more comprehensive and precise these will be.
To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help improve this information:
Hyundai Tucson reliability ratings and comparisons